Terms and conditions


In compliance with the information duty established in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following data is provided:

The company that owns the website "ZPK SYSTEMS" is "BITEXA INFORMATICA, S.L.," with registered address at Habitatges Joan XXIII, 7, 3rd floor, Door 1, 08350 Arenys de Mar (Barcelona), with VAT number: B-B65707572, registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona. Contact email: support@zpk.systems

The information contained on zpk.systems constitutes an information service for the various services offered by "BITEXA INFORMATICA, S.L." (hereinafter "BITEXA") within the field of new technologies, including positioning, programming, web hosting and design, API services, consulting, strategy, marketing, and other related services, providing access to content from various sectors of diverse nature.


Under Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your personal data that may be in this communication are included in an automated file under the responsibility of the company Bitexa Informática SL, VAT: B65707572.

The user guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated through the www.bitexa.com website and will keep updated the information provided to Bitexa Informática SL, ensuring that it responds at all times to their real situation. The user is solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements and for any damages caused to Bitexa Informática SL or third parties.

Bitexa Informática SL cannot assume any responsibility arising from the incorrect, inappropriate, or unlawful use of the information appearing on the Internet pages of Bitexa Informática SL.

Within the limits established by law, Bitexa Informática SL assumes no responsibility for the lack of truthfulness, completeness, updating, and accuracy of the data or information contained on its Internet pages. The contents and information on the Internet pages of Bitexa Informática SL are prepared by duly qualified professionals for the exercise of their profession. However, the content and information do not bind the aforementioned and do not constitute opinions, advice, or legal advice of any kind, as it is merely a service offered for informative and educational purposes.

The Internet pages of Bitexa Informática SL may contain links to other third-party pages. Therefore, it cannot assume responsibilities for the content that may appear on third-party pages. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software, and other content included on this website are the exclusive property of Bitexa Informática SL or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage, or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of Bitexa Informática SL.

Furthermore, to access the services that Bitexa Informática SL offers through the website, you will need to provide some personal data. In compliance with the provisions of the LOPD 15/1999, of December 13, we inform you that your personal data will be included and processed in the files of Bitexa Informática SL, in order to provide you with our services. Additionally, we inform you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by sending an email to support@zpk.systems


When purchasing credit on ZPK SYSTEMS, it will be added to your account, and the usage of different services on ZPK will be deducted from your wallet.

You have 48 hours to request a refund for any payment, provided that the acquired credit has not been used for any services. You can request a refund through the contact form or any of the communication channels available on this website.

The only exception to this refund and return policy is the use of ZPK services for sending unsolicited advertising (spam) or sending communications that infringe upon the privacy or security of others, a use that is contrary to the terms and conditions detailed here. In these cases, the credit added to your wallet will not be refunded. By using ZPK services, you accept this no-refund policy in case of misuse contrary to the terms and conditions expressed herein.

ZPK System is a provider of digital services and does not ship physical products.


Blocs Joan XXIII, number 7, third first. Arenys de Mar (Barcelona), postal code 08350 (Spain)


The contents provided by Bitexa Informática SL are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights and are the exclusive property of Bitexa Informática SL or the individuals or legal entities informed. By acquiring a product or service, Bitexa Informática SL does not confer upon the buyer any right to alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute, or publicly communicate it, reserving all these rights. The assignment of said rights will require the prior written consent of the owner, so the customer cannot make these contents available to third parties.

Intellectual property extends, in addition to the content included in Bitexa Informática SL, to its graphics, logos, designs, images, and source code used for programming.

Bitexa Informática SL has obtained the information and materials included on the website from sources considered reliable. While reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is correct, Bitexa Informática SL cannot guarantee that it is accurate, complete, up-to-date, and, consequently, should not be relied upon as such. Bitexa Informática SL expressly disclaims any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained on the pages of this website.

Bitexa Informática SL reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel, or restrict the content of the website, links, or information obtained through it, without prior notice. In no case does it assume any responsibility for the incorrect use of the website by the user, both for information and the services contained therein.

In no case will Bitexa Informática SL, its branches and/or workplaces, its directors and/or representatives, employees, and, in general, authorized personnel be responsible for any type of damage, losses, claims, or expenses of any kind, whether direct or indirect, arising from the use and/or dissemination of the website or the information acquired or accessed through it, or its computer viruses, operational failures, or interruptions in service or transmission, or failures in the line in the use of the website, both by direct connection and by link or other means, constituting, for all legal purposes, a notice to any user that these possibilities and events may occur.

Bitexa Informática SL is not responsible for non-owned websites that may be accessed through links or links ("links") or for any content made available by third parties. Any use of a link or access to a non-owned website will be done at the user's sole risk and peril. Bitexa Informática SL does not recommend or guarantee any of the information obtained through a link, nor is it responsible for any loss, claim, or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, interruption of service or access, or the attempt to use or misuse a link, both when connecting to the Bitexa Informática SL website and when accessing information from other websites through it.


ZPK has a zero-tolerance policy towards the sending of unsolicited advertising to users and zero-tolerance towards sending deceptive, fraudulent, or harmful messages that infringe upon the privacy or security of any individual.

Using any ZPK service for this purpose entails immediate suspension of the service offered to the user and possible cancellation of the user account that has committed the infringement.

By using ZPK services, you agree to the NO-REFUND policy regarding credit in case of using ZPK services for these purposes contrary to these terms of use.

ZPK reserves the right to determine, at its discretion, whether an account may be violating these terms and to apply the sanctions to the account that it deems appropriate.

Regarding the sending of SMS and other communications, communications may be considered fraudulent if they meet one or more of the following characteristics, without being limited to this list:

  • Sending any communication with an origin identifier that may be misleading to the user.
  • Mass sendings that match previous spam or scam campaigns detected by our automated systems.
  • Sending to URLs that display potentially dangerous sites for the user.
  • Sending with URLs that alter their content based on the IP address visiting them or that eliminate their trace after possible verification visits.
  • Communications with emails, phone numbers, or websites used in spam or fraud campaigns.
  • Any attempt to impersonate another person or company.
  • Communications containing URLs or destinations that cannot be validated by our verification systems

In case of doubt, ZPK reserves the right to establish the limits it deems appropriate to protect the target users and ensure compliance with the terms of use, for example, by limiting the maximum number of sendings until proper use of the communication systems is confirmed.


The website displays the price of various services offered at all times; however, ZPK reserves the right to modify these prices at any time.

This means that the cost of credits for a specific service may be altered after you have purchased credit. By using ZPK Systems services, you agree to this pricing policy.


Some of the ZPK SYSTEMS APIs create content using artificial intelligence models. The images and text works generated by these APIs do not have any copyright, and additionally, previously generated data may be used by our generation engines to produce other results that may appear similar or exactly identical. ZPK reserves the right to use these images for any purpose it deems appropriate, except for claiming copyright over the content.

Some APIs may receive extra parameters to ensure that:

  • ZPK SYSTEMS will do everything technically possible to prevent the AI-generated work from appearing duplicated in another generation.
  • ZPK will keep the generated work in cache for the necessary time due to technical reasons but will not use the generated work for any other purpose.

However, ZPK SYSTEMS cannot guarantee that the generated work will be entirely unique due to the functioning of the involved generation models. If you wish to claim copyright over a work created using ZPK SYSTEMS' artificial intelligence models, we recommend specifying it in the requests to our APIs and making manual modifications to the work on your part.


When sending data to our APIs, you are sharing data with ZPK. It is your responsibility to inform your users about how these data will be treated.

ZPK may store this data for statistical purposes, and although we will make every effort to ensure that this data is not shared with any third party, it may be sent to external services for additional processing. This is especially relevant in APIs that use artificial intelligence.

ZPK Systems always strives to ensure that the data sent to other sources does not contain identifiable or private information. However, the process to prevent this is entirely automated, and ZPK cannot guarantee that 100% of the sent data is 100% private.

Even though ZPK will do everything possible to eliminate private data such as email addresses, serial numbers, and other information that could compromise users, it is the ultimate responsibility of the user making the API call or their application to avoid sending sensitive user data. Users should also inform their users that this data is sent to other managers for processing.


Some ZPK APIs allow the sending of communications to other users, for example, through the SMS API, among others. The user initiating the API call assumes all responsibility for these communications.

The use of APIs for sending SPAM is not permitted, nor is their use in a manner that violates the freedom, privacy, or dignity of any person.

While ZPK will implement all measures within its reach to prevent the malicious use of any API and any communication made through its infrastructures, it is ultimately the user's responsibility to ensure that these communications do not violate the law.


Only the creation and maintenance of one account per user and/or company are allowed. Creating multiple accounts is not permitted and may result in the suspension of one or more of the created accounts. Additionally, payments made to accounts that have violated the anti-spam and anti-fraud policies will not be refunded.


By using ZPK services, you agree that the commercial and service relationship may be terminated at any time and without prior notice by either party for any consideration that either party deems appropriate.

Regarding the credit that the user has in the wallet at the time of service termination, the user may request a refund, which ZPK will process within the next 48 business hours; however, no credit refund will be made if the user's account infringed in any way the accepted policies or terms and conditions.


This website is owned by Bitexa Informática SL. The Intellectual Property rights, and the rights of exploitation and reproduction of this website, its pages, screens, the information it contains, its appearance and design, as well as the links ("hyperlinks") established from it to other web pages of any subsidiary and/or controlled company of Bitexa Informática SL, are the exclusive property of the latter unless expressly specified otherwise. Any name, design, and/or logo, as well as any product or service offered and reflected on this website, are duly registered trademarks by Bitexa Informática SL, its subsidiary and/or controlled companies, or third parties. Any improper use of them by individuals other than their legitimate owner and without the express and unequivocal consent of the latter may be reported and prosecuted through all legal means existing under Spanish and/or community law.

The intellectual property and trademarks of third parties are appropriately highlighted and must be respected by anyone who accesses this page, with Bitexa Informática SL not being responsible for the use that the user may make in this regard, with the exclusive responsibility falling on the person.

Only for personal and private use, it is allowed to download the content, copy, or print any page of this website. Reproducing, transmitting, modifying, or deleting information, content, or warnings from this website without the prior written authorization of Bitexa Informática SL is strictly prohibited.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish law, and the Spanish Courts and Tribunals are competent to hear any issues that may arise regarding their interpretation, application, and compliance. The user, by virtue of accepting the general conditions outlined in this legal notice, expressly waives any jurisdiction that, by the application of the current Civil Procedure Law, may correspond to them.